Special Situation Advisory

Special situation advisory practice is a key-focus area. We have consummated multiple transactions in handholding companies to recover from relative situations of cash-flow mismatches, distress, as also, insolvencies.

Special situation advisory involves extensive understanding of borrower’s circumstances, diagnosis by understanding factors and circumstances leading to disruption, evaluation of sustainability of business, sizing of foreseeable cash-flows, prescribing a sustainable recovery path through building consensus with promoters, lenders, fresh financers and other stake-holders, within regulatory frame-work.


  • Mismatch of sources and applications of funds: Setting right mismatches in long term / short term sources and applications.
  • Early stage financial disruption: Temporary disruption in cash flows, leading to delay in servicing / overdue status, temporary losses leading to evaporation of liquidity, coupled with loss of credit appetite with regular bankers.


  • Intermediate stage distress: Entities having undergone adverse business environments and liquidity pressures, however, with sustainable underlying businesses, adequate asset backing and promoter strength.
  • Distressed Asset Advisory: Presenting restructuring options, negotiating with lenders and borrowers for implementation of an optimum and agreed package for early and efficient bankruptcy resolution.
